
Dead Zone (2022)

DOWNLOAD NOW - Dead Zone (2022)

DOWNLOAD NOW – Dead Zone (2022)

To prevent the collapse of humanity, an elite team of soldiers must descend on a radiation-poisoned town and perform the ultimate stealth mission using high-tech armour and weapons…

“What if we took zombies, Michael Jai White, Halo suits, greenscreen, Starship TroopersResident Evil, more zombies, a title that’s been used before, Iron Man visor graphics and Jeff Fahey and threw them all into a blender? Well, it would taste pretty good, to be honest. I loved Dead Zone…” B&S About Movies

“MJW and Chad Michael Collins felt right in their roles but there just wasn’t much to chew on in this movie. Just POV shot after POV shot of them talking into the screen. I like my zombie movies with a massive amount of death and destruction. Throw in an elite military team and there should have been some serious fireworks. Sadly, this one didn’t do it for me.” Bulletproof Action

“For its budget, Dead Zone does deliver a decent amount of action as the cast tries to avoid becoming the creature’s next meal […] The effects are a mix of mostly acceptable CGI and some practical gore. The creature looks nasty enough, but the rigid, unmoving jaws are less than convincing. While it could use some of the quirkier touches Braxton’s other films have, Dead Zone ends up being an enjoyable watch.” 3.5 out of 5, Voices from the Balcony

Dead Zone (2022)

Genre: Action, Horror, Sci-Fi

Release Date of Dead Zone: Jul 29, 2022 (United States)

Stars In Dead Zone: Michael Jai White, Chad Michael Collins, Jeff Fahey, Whitney Nielsen

Source: Dead.Zone.2022.1080p.WEB.h264-PFa

Language: English

Subtitle Language: English




I am a Nigerian gospel minister who is the CEO of Traimi Entertainment. In addition to my role as a blogger, I also work as a social media manager and entrepreneur. Throughout my career, I have had the privilege of collaborating with numerous renowned artists and award-winners in the Gospel genre of Christian music, both within my country and abroad.

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